If you would like to support Aldergrove Brazil Mission Society (ABMS), we welcome your donations.
Our financial commitment to this work can only be reached through the continuing generosity and support of our donors, individuals, groups and church deaconries. There are several ways you can donate. Please click on the option you prefer.
Aldergrove Brazil Mission Society (ABMS) supports the work of our missionaries (Pastors Jim Witteveen and Jon Chase) and our Mission Worker (Chris Boersema), church plant expenses, theological training and student support (John Calvin Institute), publishing/translation expenses and the operation of the Reformed Reading Room. We are thankful and continue to receive donations for this work, although the vast majority of the revenue comes from the supporting churches who are assessed per member each year.
Aldergrove Brazil Mission Society supports Reformed education, Bursary Program, Pastor’s Library Fund, Education Fund and Puritan Symposium, Conferences and much more. Most of this work is facilitated by the Mission Worker (Chris Boersema). We are thankful for the many churches that continue to support us each year. ABMS’s financial commitment to this work can only be reached through the continuing generosity and support of individuals, churches, businesses and other groups.