The IRB Federation

Igrejas Reformada do Brasil (IRB)

The Federation

Concilio 2021

About The IRB

We are a Federation of churches, spread across Brazil. Our churches are rooted in the 16th century Great Reformation. We describe ourselves as Reformed churches of the “continental” tradition. As such, our churches have their roots in the Netherlands and we subscribe to the Three Forms of Unity. Our goal is to exalt the Triune God by faithfully proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.  

The Reformed Churches in Brazil ( IRB ) was started by Canadian and Dutch missionaries in 1970. The churches function as a Federation of local churches and are present in several states in Brazil, being the largest Federation of Reformed churches in Brazil. 

The Early Beginnings

From the year 1970, the Canadian and American Reformed Churches began missionary work in the coastal region between Recife and Maceió in the Northeast of Brazil .
Missionary work began after consultations with the Presbyterian Church of Brazil, which indicated this area as being in need of evangelization. At the same time, the Liberated Reformed Churches started missionary work in Curitiba and later Colombo in the South of Brazil. In the year 2000, the churches started in these missionary endeavours were confederated, adopting the name “Reformed Churches of Brazil”.
Since then, the Federation has continued to grow and work to plant new churches, which are already present in several states in Brazil.

Concilio (Synod) Meetings of the IRB

Life in the Federation

The IRB Federation via the João Calvino Institute (IJC) organizes and hosts events to promote unity of faith and growth within the churches. Some examples are: