Papyrus Project
What Is a Papyrus?
The durable Papyrus Solar Audio Player is small enough to fit in the hand and powerful enough to be heard by up to 200 listeners at a time!
The Papyrus’s built-in solar panel ensures that the Audio Bible can be used by remote people groups all over the world. It plays for 5 hours on full volume and about 14 hours on mid volume. It has a MicroSD card slot, allowing for increased storage. It’s possible to upload custom content: all a field worker needs is a computer and our specialized USB cable to upload custom content to the internal memory.
2W, 100dB Decibel Speakers
Loud enough for up to 200 listeners
Includes New Testament
Translated in over 1300 languages
The Papyrus Project
The Papyrus Project has been a very successful project, not only within our sister churches of the Igreja Reformada do Brasil (IRB), but also to people in need of the gospel beyond this federation. These handheld units contain a recording of the entire New Testament in the Portuguese language.
The primary recipients of a Papyrus have been either illiterate, blind or from broken homes where the daily reading of scripture is a significant challenge. Today, all office bearers within the IRB are aware of the project and are encouraged to ask for free Papyruses whenever they see a need. Along with that, they are encouraged to share short stories and photos with us of people who have been blessed by the gift of a Papyrus. These are posted on Facebook, in newsletters and in other promotional material. If you would like to support this project, please click below.
“We are grateful to God for the Papyrus Project and for being able to serve these ladies bringing them the Word of God closer to their lives” – Pr. Elson Silva
“Sister Valda Lúcia is a member of the Igreja Reformada in Esperança. Her mother came to live with her due to health problems and belonged to the evangelical church Assembly of God in that city. When she came to Esperança she began attending our congregation. Therefore we became preoccupied in caring for her. Our sister has a problem with her eyes and can no longer have a surgery done due to her age and how serious the problem is. That is why the Papyrus is so important for her. She is unable to read, and the Papyrus has been a great blessing for her as she can no longer read the Scriptures. I have visited her regularly (since she can no longer come regularly to the Sunday services, as the Lord ordains, due to health problems) and have heard her continuously speak of the benefits of the Papyrus. Transmit to our brothers and sisters, our gratitude in serving us, among other things, with this useful tool for our brethren who are most limited.”
Pr. Elton – Esperança
“A lady called Rita lives in the city of Juarez Távora-PB. She has serious health problems, one of which keeps her from getting around normally (she does get around with great pain and difficulty). In her city there is no Reformed Church, and in a visit, she expressed her desire to hear the Word of God and get to know Jesus more. Therefore the Papyrus came into her life and now she hears the Word of God frequently. We pray that the LORD would use this instrument (along with our visits and conversations) to work in her the truth of faith in the Saviour Jesus Christ.”
Chris Boersema, Mission Aid Worker
“This other lady is called Lourdes. She is a member of the Reformed Church in Esperança-PB. She deals with serious health problems – and, due to this, she hasn’t been to church in years. She is advanced in her age – which is an added factor for her absence in the common life of the church – this also has created difficulties for her to read Scripture. The Papyrus also brought great encouragement to this sister who now can hear the Word of God and remember the stories and teachings (of truth) that the Lord used to operate the faith in her heart.”
Chris Boersema, Mission Aid Worker
“On September 9, 2012, I had the privilege of once again worshiping with our brothers and sisters in Barreiras during the morning service. After the service and Sunday school we went over to visit Dona Severina and present her with a “Papyrus”! I read God’s word, prayed, and then we listened to a chapter from the New Testament. Dona Severina became very emotional and couldn’t express her gratitude. It so happened that it was also her birthday on that very day! There were many family members visiting for the day.She has been a member of the IRB for over ten years and was one of the first participants when Pr. Elso and Moizés started with Bible studies there in the late ’90s. So here we have another great story of how these small units are a great blessing in the lives of those brothers and sisters who receive them here.”
Chris Boersema, Mission Aid Worker