Our Field Team

Our Team in the Field

Jonathan Chase
Pastor Jonathan Chase was called recently to serve as a missionary alongside Pastor Witteveen. He and his family have just arrived in Brazil in the summer of 2021. His focus will be teaching in the seminary for the preparation of future pastors and missionaries, continuing with outreach efforts, and working alongside the Reformed Churches of Brazil for their strengthening and edification.
Jim Witteveen
Pr. Jim Witteveen accepted Aldergrove’s call to serve as missionary in Brazil in August of 2015. In 2017 he moved to Brazil to take up his task, which includes preparing men to become ministers of the Word at the John Calvin Institute, leadership training, conference speaking, evangelistic work, providing support to local instituted congregations and mission congregations, and regular preaching of the Word. From 2020 to 2022, he worked from his home base in Abbotsford, and has most recently been dividing his time between Canada and Brazil. He continues to serve as a director of the John Calvin Institute, teaches courses online, prepares material for training of officebearers, produces evangelistic resources, and works with local mission congregations as they move toward institution. He is currently in the process of planning his return to Brazil on a full-time basis.
Chris Boersema
Mission Worker